Welcome to Persagen.org 👋 🙂

Hello! 🙂 Persagen.org [ Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 🇨🇦 ] is a curated database / search / knowledge engine committed to universal social justice, equality, ecosocialism, & universal human rights.


We track & curate wealth, power, & influence affecting those issues, and provide resources & tools for knowledge discovery and critical evaluation of news and events shaping our lives.

We emphatically believe that access to high-quality facts and information is necessary to address societal challenges, including but not limited to: discrimination; disinformation; erosion of democratic ideals; wealth concentration; climate change and ecological destruction; ...

In support of that quest for information we manually curate factual information exclusively from carefully-vetted sources.


Supporting our mission is our ongoing 3-pronged approach to research and development:

  1. Pg-Solr - our search engine for tagged and indexed textual data,

  2. Eureka! - the ontological categorization of those data, and

  3. Leibniz - our knowledge graph (data search & visualization of relationships).

For more on those resources, please see the first few slides of our technical introduction.


We envision an ecologically sound world free of discrimination, disease, and inequality with shared wealth and sustainable practices.


Our philosophy is firmly rooted in universal ideals, including: truth; freedom; equality and justice; sustainability; ... people over profit.

Background & information 💡 📖

  • General introduction  |  Technical introduction  |  FAQ
  • Persagen's RSS feed
  • Team
  • 🫂 Social media: @Persagen@Mastodon.social
  • Contact

    [she/her] Dr. Victoria A. Stuart, Ph.D.
    Owner, creator

    p.p. [she/her] Carm Wilson
    Director of Client Engagement

    🌐  Persagen.org